demolition asbestos removal

Five Reasons Why Demolition Asbestos Removal Is Important

The removal of asbestos is essential for the safety of demolition workers as well as the public. Asbestos is a hazardous material that can cause serious health problems, including cancer. There are a number of reasons why demolition asbestos removal is important.

  • Health and Safety:

Removing asbestos before demolition is essential for health and safety reasons. Asbestos fibres can be released into the air during demolition work and inhaled by workers or members of the public. If this happens, they can cause mesothelioma, lung cancer and other serious illnesses. These diseases take many years to develop after exposure so it’s important that you remove all asbestos before beginning any demolition work on a building.

  • Environment:

The second reason why you should always remove asbestos during demolition is the environment. When asbestos isn’t properly disposed of, it can end up in landfill sites where it will take hundreds of years to degrade naturally. This means that it may still be around long after we’re gone! Removing asbestos also reduces the risk of contaminating soil or water sources with harmful fibres from old buildings.

  • It Helps Reduce the Costs of Demolition and Waste Removal:

Removing ACMs from the demolition process means less work needs to be done later on in order to make sure everything is safe for workers and the public. This results in lower costs overall because fewer resources and fewer building demolition contractors will be needed to hire for cleanup efforts.

 demolition asbestos removal

  • Legal Requirement:

Asbestos removal is a legal requirement for all demolition projects in NZ. You will be fined if you do not remove asbestos from your premises or building site. The penalties for breaching legislation can be up to $20,000 per day. This can add up quickly, especially when you factor in the cost of paying fines and defending yourself in court. If you don’t comply with legal requirements, you could also face prosecution and imprisonment.

  • It Ensures a Cleaner Demolition Site:

Asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) aren’t always clearly marked, so it’s possible that contractors may accidentally tear down a building without taking precautions against asbestos exposure. This can result in an unplanned cleanup that could cost thousands of dollars and put people at risk for serious illnesses like mesothelioma and lung cancer.

Demolition asbestos removal is important for the safety of everyone involved. It is necessary for the protection of the environment, workers and citizens

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Susan Lord